Stream of Consciousness Saturday – earworm

It is that time of the week for Linda G Hill  Stream of Consciousness Saturday.  Linda gives us a writing prompt and we just write.  Check out Linda’s blog for more details and other writing prompts to take part in!

Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. This too will pass. I was in a raging mood. I had been given a project at the last-minute and told it was critical.  I knew this critical project had sat on a co-worker’s desk for over a week, while he did “other duties”. Now he was out sick, it was critical and mine.

Breathe in and out. I do well in crisis mode. I really do. What I don’t do well with was the earworm of “because I’m happy. Come along if you feel like a room without a roof….” non-stop in my head. I was not happy and now I couldn’t focus with “because I’m happy” on repeat in my head.  Breathe in and out. This too will pass.


You can always start now!


6 thoughts on “Stream of Consciousness Saturday – earworm

  1. JoAnna says:

    I had forgotten about that song. But I don’t mind that you brought it back to me. When I get tired of it, I’ll just breathe. Breathing works for a lot of things eventually and when I remember to take the slow, deep ones.


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